Thinking Of Buying Fucoidan? Read This!

Not all fucoidan supplements are equal. Read my in-depth reviews to find out why Fucoidan Force is my top pick.
Some Supplement Companies are Intentionally Fooling Customers
Buy only products with standardized fucoidan written on the supplements label to ensure you are getting a product with the effective levels of bioactive fucoidan compounds. Some supplement companies are intentionally deceptive in how they present their ingredients. They play on consumer ignorance. They think you won’t know to look for standardized fucoidan content. But, I’m here to educate you.
Buy Only Standardized Fucoidan to Guarantee You’re Getting Fucoidan!
If you look at a typical ingredient label, you will see a list of ingredients followed by the amount of that ingredient typically shown in mg’s (milligrams). But, that amount represents the crude extract or raw materials in each serving. Many beneficial isolated molecules, such as fucoidan, come from nature. Fucoidan comes from brown algae, but brown algae in and of itself is not going to contain a predictable or high level of fucoidan without a standardization process.
For example, 250 mg of brown algae does NOT mean you are actually getting 250 mg of fucoidan. It just means you are getting 250 mg of seaweed. Not good if you are relying on fucoidan for its health benefits. In fact, some supplements have been shown to have little to no active or standardized ingredients at all!
Who Would Intentionally Trick Customers?
Umi No Shizuku is a perfect example of deception in the marketplace. I’ll use their Supplement Facts label as an example. Their label says that 1 capsule contains 250 mg of a proprietary blend of Okinawa Mozuku and Mekabu, followed by the mushroom extract Agaricus blazei mycelia. Companies are required to list ingredients with the largest amount first, so we know there has to be atleast 126 mg (or more) of Okinawa Mozuku and Mekabu. Nowhere in this example however, do we know how much active fucoidan is present, just that we have 126 mg or more of the crude Okinawa Mozuku and Mekabu extracts!

To the left you see Fucoidan Force’s Supplement Facts. It shows “standardized to 45% Organic Fucoidan”. To the right is Umi No Shizuku’s label which does not list any standardized fucoidan at all.
So what does this really mean? Without this small but crucial little piece of information you really don’t know how much fucoidan you are getting.
Fucoidan Force Champions Standardized Fucoidan
“Standardized” fucoidan means that each serving has a guaranteed amount of fucoidan along with the same absorption profile. Whether it’s your first pill or it’s your last, each pill contains the stated standardized amount of fucoidan. There are only a few standardized fucoidan products on the market today with standardized fucoidan and Fucoidan Force is at the top of the list!
Standardized Organic Fucoidan is Optimally Priced to Reflect Quality
To keep the fucoidan molecule intact, quality and balanced standardization is expensive. If a company is selling what they are calling “standardized fucoidan” and it is lower than the cost stated above, buyer beware. The supplement may not contain any fucoidan at all!
Buyer Beware
Be weary of what a supplement company claims on their website. Instead, pay attention to what’s in the Supplement Facts box on the label because this is where stiff legal penalties for product misrepresentation can be levied. If its not on the Supplement Facts, it’s not to be believed.
Why Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) is the #1 Fucoidan Source for Health & Wellness
The most studied and most proven effective fucoidan is extracted from Undaria pinnatifida (wakame) seaweed. Everything else is second to its potency. When I review any fucoidan brand, I start with the type of seaweed from which the fucoidan is derived. If the source isn’t wakame, it’s already second rate in my mind.
Of the 1400 studies listed with the National Library of Medicine’s database, over 600 of those used wakame-derived fucoidan to promote a myriad of health benefits such as:
Healthy immune function;
Cell-to-cell communication;
and tissue maintenance more than any other.
Read about this and much more yourself, by researching the powerful benefits of wakame on: PubMed.
Yes! Fucoidan Force Uses Wakame!
I was impressed that Fucoidan Force not only uses wakame-derived fucoidan but that its 100% Organic and thoughtfully harvested from radiation-free waters. Order Yours Today!
People are Buying Ineffective Fucoidan Because of This Misunderstanding
Studies show that harsh extraction methods damage the composition of the delicate fucoidan molecules rendering them totally ineffective. How the fucoidan is extracted from its source material is even more important as where it is sourced. Traditionally, fucoidans are obtained from brown seaweed through multiple, extended liquid extractions, usually with hot acid (hydrochloric acid) and solvents and may include additives. (2)
IMPORTANT Any changes in a fucoidans structural make-up, sugar composition, sulfate content and ester groups, can change the fucoidans effectiveness (4) “The intensity of biological activities of fucoidan varies with species, molecular weight, composition, structure and the route of administration.” (6)
An article published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, states “An urgent demand for more well-defined, gentle extraction techniques, employing shortened extraction times, lower temperatures, and lower acid levels, (are needed) to help ensure extraction of distinct structures of fucoidans” For the polysaccharide to work, structural integrity of the chain and the fucose must stay intact. Different extraction methodologies can skew the results of the efficacy of the fucoidan polysaccharide when evaluated for biological activity. (2)
A fucoidan product with a high level of poorly extracted fucoidan and lots of hype doesn’t reflect on the effectiveness of the product. AVOID any brand that does not reveal how their fucoidan is extracted and processed.
Fucoidan Force sets the standard for the best extraction methods on the market. They avoid solvents and eliminate impurities such as alginate and salts naturally, without additional disinfecting steps that use hypochlorite or irradiation.
A spokes person at Fucoidan Force said their “seaweed is hand-collected and gently laid out under the sun to dry. Once the seaweed has been completely dried, it is then rinsed with purified water to rehydrate and reactivate the protective gel-like coating on the seaweed. The gel is then water-extracted from the sporophylls of the seaweed and refined through gradients of mesh, removing all particles, fibers, and impurities that may otherwise be caught in the gel. The gel is then dried into a powder and examined for purity, quality, and efficacy.” Fucoidan Force uses a patented method that is scientifically proved to be the best extraction method used today.
Fucoidan Force’s method is backed up scientifically:
Fucoidan extracted from the sporophylls, the part of wakame that is covered in sacs that produce spores, has a higher sulfate and L-fucose content and a wider range of health and wellness benefits. (12)
This article explains the state of radiation contamination in our oceans today and how this could affect the safety of certain fucoidan brands.
Fucoidan comes from seaweed. Seaweed grows in the ocean. Prior to ocean dumping and nuclear radiation, there was little concern over where seaweed was harvested. This article is intended to show you that seaweeds harvested in the Pacific Ocean are potentially dangerous and that fucoidan can be obtained from other sources, particularly ares of the Atlantic Ocean that are free of radiation.
There are two major concerns with seaweeds harvested in the Pacific Ocean after the Fukushima Nuclear disaster in March 2011. One is the contamination that continues to spill in the harbors and low inter-tidal zones spreading out from the accident site in Japan. The second is the contamination that was swept by the strong Kuroshio Current from Japan to other areas such as the Pacific West Coast of North America.
Massive Marine Die-Offs Indicate Changes in the Radiation Levels
Aside from using a Geiger counter to detect radiation, one can observe oceanographic changes in marine life that correlate with the arrival of contamination from ocean currents. The effects of radiation can be seen on marine life long before official organizations fully disclose the long-term human consequence. These changes, such as massive die-off of marine life, has been linked to radiation in the ocean.
For example, in the 1990s, harp seals died of blood cancer in record numbers in the Barents Sea, along with a rapid die-off of shellfish, starfish, and porpoises in the White Sea. This die-off has been attributed to a spike in radiation levels caused from Russia dumping effluent of Chelyabinsk Nuclear plant into a river Ob feeding the Arctic sea, as well as spent reactors from nuclear submarines and icebreakers into the Barents, White, and Kara Sea. Over time these reactors leached radioactive waste into the water. (33)
The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research warned that the maximum radiation levels from the Fukushima Nuclear disaster would peak off the North American coast in 2015 through 2016.
Then, aligned with the spread of Fukushima nuclear waste to the west coast, populations of starfish and other echinoderms suddenly began dying off due to an extensive outbreak of wasting disease. The disease has been linked to a usually benign virus that suddenly transformed into a perpetrator. Though some “official” reports attribute it to “warming” water, other scientists notice an uncanny correlation with elevated levels of radioactive isotopes.
Until there is more certainty about the overall and long-term effects of radiation on the west coast of North America, steer clear from fucoidan extracted from Pacific seaweeds.
Biomagnification is the “concentration of toxins in an organism as a result of its ingesting other plants or animals in which the toxins are more widely disbursed.” (34) We can trace the effects of radioactivity up the food change and into more complex organisms. Radiation first contaminates plankton and then zoo plankton eat them and become contamination. Then the fish that eat the zoo plankton concentrate the radiation in their tissues, and the process continues up the food chain. It first started with star fish die-offs off the coast of California and now it is moving up into more complex organisms.
In one case, the Marine Mammal Center off the coast of San Francisco reports that 16 of their 46 baby seals have died from disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) which is a disorder where proteins that control blood clotting become over active. It is generally linked to blood transfusion reactions and certain types of cancer like leukemia. (36) “A causal association with leukemia has only been documented to date for ionizing radiation.” (36) Then, earlier this year (2016) multiple news sites began reporting a sudden spike in thousands of dead seabirds called murres along the shores of Whittier, Alaska at the beginning of their breeding season.
Radioactive Sediments Indicate Contamination Persists in Crucial Fishing Harbors Around Japan
The strong currents off the Fukushima coast dispersed the radioactive contamination far and wide throughout the Pacific Ocean. But, it is difficult to gauge just how much pollution persists in and around the Fukushima plant however due to the confusing and sometimes contradictory information revealed by TEPCO (operators of the Fukushima Nuclear Plant) the Japanese government, and even members of the U.S. government.
One thing is for certain, non-governmental organizations, activists, and citizen-scientists routinely sound the alarm about higher levels of radiation in imported seafood from Japan. Some have taken matters into their own hands and begun testing the foods themselves. A Canadian high-school student, Bronwyn Delacruz, bought a Geiger counter, and performed a controlled, blinded, and randomized experiment on off-the-shelf seafood. She found that nori and other seafood’s contained two times the amount of radiation prior to the Fukushima nuclear disaster. (19)
Seaweeds are particularly susceptible to accumulating radioactive cesium. Wakame seaweed is found in low inter-tidal zones at an average depth between 3 to 10 feet. It grows on hard surfaces such as rocky reefs, abalone shells, etc. Wakame prefers salty waters and is rarely found near estuaries or mouths of rivers. (23). It grows particularly well in marinas, on buoys, and on similar floating structures in harbors.
Marine macroalgae like wakame grow by absorbing nutrient salts and other minerals directly from seawater at the surface of their thalli. Cesium radiation, like that given off by the Fukushima meltdown is soluble in seawater. Algal cells are thought to absorb Cesium through certain K+ transporters. (20) It is no wonder that the highest levels of Cesium recorded (7371.20 ± 173.95 Bq kg−1]) from the Fukushima accident were found in wakame (Undaria pinnatifada) a few months after the Fukushima accident. (20)
In the last 30 years, Japan began importing wakame from South Korea and China to meet an increasing demand. Of all the wakame that is harvested in Japan, 80-90% is fished from Miyagi, Iwate, and Tokushima, all on the eastern coast of Japan. Miyagi is next to Fukushima. I cannot stress this enough. The wakame coming out of Japan is more than likely contaminated.
A major 5 year review conducted by international scientists and authors working together as the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), reports that as of July 2016, major contamination still exists in the harbor areas around Fukushima where the plant continues to release radioactive waste into the ocean. Their findings state that the highest remaining oceanic contamination remains in seafloor sediments off coast of Japan.
Read the press release on a talk by Dr. Ken Buesseler presented to the Goldschmidt conference . The talk, entitled “Fukushima and the Ocean- Five Years Later” states:
“Cs [Cesium] is very soluble, so it was rapidly dispersed in the ocean. Prevailing sea currents meant that some areas received more fall-out than others due to ocean mixing processes. At its peak in 2011, the 137Cs signal right at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) was tens of millions of times higher than prior to the accident. Over time, and with distance from Japan, levels decrease significantly. By 2014 the 137Cs signal 2000km North of Hawaii was equivalent to around six times that remaining from fallout from atmospheric nuclear tests from the 1960’s, and about 2-3 times higher than prior fallout levels along the west coast of N. America. Most of the fallout is concentrated in the top few hundred meters of the sea. It is likely that maximum radiation levels will be attained off the North American coast in the 2015-16 period.”
Many radiochemists are puzzled by the “persistence of these low but significant levels of radioactivity in the ocean,” (34) which seem to be coming from radioactive sediments in and around Japan. In these sediments cesium radioisotopes are “still being measured at several tens to hundreds of becquerels per cubic meter in this area!” They’ve concluded that there is a “continuous input of radioactivity through food sources feeding on this sediment. (34)
One explanation for the prevalent radioactivity found in sea floor sediments, rests on the geological features of where Fukushimna was built. The Fukushima plant was built on highly permeable ground. When the corium (fuel rods) of Reactor 1, 2, and 3 melted through their containment units, the melted fuel infected the surrounding ground with high levels of radioactive isotopes that now wash out to the sea with the natural flow of water though permeable sandstone.
The Fukushima Daiichi Power Station is located on the east coast of Honshu island, in northeastern Japan, on a Cenozoic sedimentary ground.(42) This plateau was excavated to construct the power station. Underneath the plant are layers of waterproof strata and some strata of permeable sandstone that were documented by geological surveys and seismic surveys.
Sandstone is the idea rock for aquifers because it is both fractured and permeable. The surrounding aquifers are partially filled up by rain and groundwater moving from the Abukuma Mountain run off which moves through permeable layers toward the sea at a very low speed. As the water moves toward the sea it makes contact with radioactive waste from the plant and washes it to the sea. The slow moving water hits the sediments first and spreads through the silica/sediment composition of the Pacific seafloor.
Additionally, continuous breaches of radiation containment around the plant. The Japan Times, News Week,The NY Times and The Huffington Post report that the Fukushima plant has been plagued by a staggering number of accidents allowing hundreds of tons of radioactive waters to flow into the Pacific Ocean since the accident, further polluting the harbors where wakame and other seaweeds are harvested.
It is worth pointing out early on that an individual can absorb many nonlethal doses of radiation without noticeable health changes, but overall long-term absorption contributes to the risk of cancer and other health abnormalities. Studies on the acceptable levels of radiation from various sources tend to isolate exposure into silos, not considering the cascading levels of low-dose background radiation that includes cosmic-rays and cesium-137 in the environment from Cold-War atmospheric weapons testing, and spikes in exposure due to x-rays, flying, eating bananas, radiation therapy, airport security scanners, and the list goes on. Couple that with a process of biomagnification, and exposure gets compounded up the food chain from sediments and small plankton all the way up to mammals.
WARNING Avoid All Seaweeds Harvested Around Japan
All things considered, I believe seaweeds and other sea life harvested from neighboring harbors around Japan are irradiated and unsafe. Aside from radiation poisoning, it’s highly likely that the molecular structure of fucoidan might be damaged and therefore ineffective. Considering a greater risk of cancer, death, genetic abnormalities, and other are at risk for not erring on the side of caution, I recommend avoiding any seaweeds and marine life fished anywhere in the Pacific – especially in and around Japan.
Umi No Shizuku is Not Telling You Something
I sound the alarm on several fucoidan supplements who do not disclose their exact source location in Japan. The Umi No Shizuku/K-Fucoidan does not disclose the location in Japan of their wakame (Undaria pinnatifida). However, they do disclose that their Mozuku comes from Okinawa. Based on all my research, I’ve concluded that Okinawan waters are likely polluted with radioactivity as well.
If someone reading this review site has a Geiger counter and has some Umi No Shizuku, please send me the results and I will post them. It is important that we are all informed, especially true for those who might be willing to pay $330.00 for an irradiated product with damaged fucoidan.
Choose Organic Fucoidan Harvested From the Atlantic
Be Safe! Choose Only Fucoidan Extracted From Seaweeds Harvested in the Atlantic Ocean
The only way to be sure you are getting the safest fucoidan is to make sure it comes from the Atlantic ocean. Fucoidan Force hand harvests their wakame from the Atlantic. This is one of the reasons I chose them as my top pick for fucoidan. They are clearly aware of the radiation risks and have consciously chosen to use radiation-free seaweed.
Seaweed and brown algae naturally contain sodium and iodine at varying amounts. Take a look at the comparison chart below. There, you will see a chart that shows that nori and wakame have much lower iodine content in comparison to kelp and kombu. Generally, there is about 20 mcg of iodine per gram of wakame. Kombu and kelp is estimated to average about 2,660 mcg per gram and can easily result in going over the highest known tolerable upper limit of iodine, which may cause health issues in people with hyperthyroidism and iodine sensitivities. Always talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet, supplements, or medication.

1 milligram = 1000 microgram, 1 gram = 1,000,000 micrograms or 1000 milligrams
Compare this with table 1 below. This table created by the National Institutes of Health, lists the current Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA’s) for iodine.
Age | Male | Female | Pregnancy | Lactation | |
Birth to 6 months | 110 mcg* | 110 mcg* | |||
7–12 months | 130 mcg* | 130 mcg* | |||
1–3 years | 90 mcg | 90 mcg | |||
4–8 years | 90 mcg | 90 mcg | |||
9–13 years | 120 mcg | 120 mcg | |||
14–18 years | 150 mcg | 150 mcg | 220 mcg | 290 mcg | |
19+ years | 150 mcg | 150 mcg | 220 mcg | 290 mcg |
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that individuals consume no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, and that certain groups, like those with high blood pressure limit intake to less than 1,500 milligrams per day. Please remember that kombu and kelp is estimated to average about 2,660 mcg per gram. Please avoid fucoidan sourced from kelp and kombu.
Because most foods consumed on a daily basis are already high in sodium. It’s important to see how much sodium is in your supplements. Seaweeds naturally contain varying levels of sodium. Read all labels carefully when making your fucoidan choice.
Fucoidan Force Uses Extremely Rare 100% Wakame
Organic fucoidan products are extremely rare to find. There are only a few manufacturers like Fucoidan Force that adhere to USDA Organic guidelines. Many cultivators have a hard time getting Organically certified because they have less control over the growing conditions of marine plants verses land plants.
Though it is hard to find, buying Organic seaweed as the source of fucoidan ensures it’s free of heavy metal, radiation, insecticide, and herbicide toxicity. Make sure the seaweed comes from uncontaminated coastal waters and is tested for contamination with every harvest. Never buy a fucoidan brand that doesn’t share their harvesting, drying, processing and extraction methods.
Understanding Modern Wakame Farming Practices Keeps You Safe
I commend Fucoidan Force for choosing to extract fucoidan from Organic wakame. Few brands know the potentials for contamination in modern farming practices. Clearly, Fucoidan Force has opted to keep their customers safe.
Wakame grows in low inter-tidal zones at an average depth between 3 to 10 feet. It grows on hard surfaces such as rocky reefs and abalone shells, floating structures in marina etc. In Japan, some farmers seed spores on string frames in salt water tanks, then after five months, attach these frames to ropes and drop them in the ocean for the wakame to mature. At any time, wakame can develop diseases like root-rot and pin-hole disease. Chemicals, antibiotics, and fertilizers are sometimes used in conventional aquaculture. It’s important to remember that wakame and other seaweeds grow by absorbing nutrient salts and other minerals directly from seawater at the surface of their thalli. They can absorb heavy metals, chemicals, and radioactive elements into their bodies.
Beware! Buy only products containing fucoidan sourced from seaweeds sustainably harvested from the Atlantic ocean. To be absolutely certain look for the USDA Organic label to ensure your fucoidan comes from seaweeds free of contamination like heavy metals and chemicals.
Maximizing Fucoidan’s Bioactivity Gives You More Usable Fucoidan
The biological properties and effectiveness of fucoidan vary depending on species, molecular weight, composition, structure and the route of administration. (32) It’s important to understand what modulates fucoidan’s absorption into the bloodstream so you can make an intelligent decision about which supplement delivers adequate amounts of fucoidan.
Some fucoidan gets degraded in the stomach before it even gets to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Once there, it has a low absorption profile. A recent study reported that after oral dosing, serum levels of fucoidan was detected in the intestine at only 0.6%. (32) Even though you will get some meaningful effects at these low levels, using an ingredient that will boost the absorption of orally ingested fucoidan will increase its effectiveness. Through my research I found a fucoidan brand in development called FucoSorb™ , which uses “bioenhancer” to boost bioavailability and deliver the delicate fucoidan molecules into the blood stream. It is available by pre-order only through the mail.
Hype Doesn’t Make Fucoidan More Effective
Many “designer” fucoidan brands like Umi No Shizuku, Super Golden Liquid Fucoidan, and Jade Fucoidan that formulate liquid fucoidan supplements seem fairly worthless because the fucoidan is destroyed by the enzymes and hydrochloric acids in the stomach before ever making it to the absorption point in the small intestine. It been demonstrated in study after study that harsh environments can damage the composition of the delicate fucoidan molecules rendering them totally ineffective.
Remember, any changes in a fucoidans structural make-up, sugar composition, sulfate content and ester groups, can change the fucoidans effectiveness (4). The only way to take fucoidan safely as a liquid is intravenously, otherwise the molecules will be degraded so much that no useful fucoidan will make it into the bloodstream.
Preservatives Destroy Fucoidan’s Health Benefits
When fucoidan is bottled as a liquid, artificial sweeters, preservatives and colors are often added to stabilize its shelf life and enhance flavor. Umi No Shizuku uses sucralose, a sweetener still under investigation for possible linkages to creating tumors in Swiss Mice (35) In addition the use of caramel coloring, also known as E150d when used in soft drinks and other liquid preparations, has the potential of imparting two known carcinogens including 2- and 4-methylimidazole and both are bad for those with compromised immunity. Avoid these at all costs.
Know What Affects Fucoidan’s Absorbability Before You Buy
Though numerous studies have shown fucoidan promotes healthy immune function, cell-to-cell communication, and tissue maintenance, many scientists are still researching the mechanism(s) responsible. We know fucoidan maybe absorbed through pinocytosis [simple_tooltip content=’the ingestion of liquid into a cell by the budding of small vesicles from the cell membrane.’]pinocytosis[/simple_tooltip] and that low absorption can be overcome with bioenhancers. And, there are other factors that may influence the digestion of carbohydrates (like fucoidan) in the small intestine, including (30):
1.The rate of digestion.
2.The physical form and particle size of the substance.
3.Type of preparation such as the cooking method, extraction method, and processing
4.Type of starch
5. Presence of other nutrients
6. Presence of bioenhancers
I’ve considered all of these factors while reviewing various fucoidan brands. I rate fucoidan brands higher for making the effort to increase their products digestibility because it means more product will be utilized. This is a best value for the customer.
Fucoidan Force The Only Brand to Use Efficacy Boosters
Fucoidan Force uses efficacy boosters that may approve its effectiveness. This is yet another reason, Fucoidan Force is my top pick!
Daily Use of Fucoidan for Your Health
Japan has the longest life expectancy at birth (LEB) in the world. (37) The typical Japanese diet consists of approximately 100 mg of fucoidan daily from brown algae and edible marine invertebrates. (38) But what if you can’t eat seafood everyday or don’t want to wait to get fucoidan’s incredible health and wellness benefits?
In a recent study, healthy individuals aged between 18 and 65 years were given fucoidan. The fucoidan came from a mix of three brown seaweeds including Undaria pinntifida. One group was given 100 mg (75 mg of standardized fucoidan – similar to the daily amount consumed by centenarians) while the other was given 1000 mg (744 mg of standardized fucoidan) daily for over 4 weeks. As you might expect the benefits of taking 100 mg of fucoidan were less than taking a larger amount over a shorter period of time. (41)
Fucoidan: Study Suggests it May Have Low to No Toxicity at Very High Doses
A preparation of fucoidan of Tasmanian wakame fucoidan was examined in several clinical trials for its health benefits. “Administration of capsules containing 560 mg fucoidan from Undaria pinnatifida (wakame) for up to 24 months did not induce any side effect when the participants took 4 capsules a day.” (29). This equals about 2.24 grams a day.
Though this study seems to suggests that fucoidan may have little to no toxicity, even during extended periods of use, it is important to remember that fucoidan is derived from seaweed and seaweed contains both iodine and sodium. Talk to your doctor before making changes to your diet, supplements, or medication.
Could You Eat 2 lbs of Raw Seaweed Daily?
Some people have asked, “Why not just get fucoidan from eating seaweed?” Think about this. It takes 2.2 lbs of brown seaweed to standardize 1 gram of fucoidan. In other words it takes a lot of raw seaweed to get 1 gram of fucoidan! You would have to eat 6 to 13 pounds of seaweed everyday to get an effective amount!
Also, just because you are eating seaweed doesn’t mean you are getting a standardized amount of fucoidan. That is why it is so vitally important to make sure the supplement you buy has standardized fucoidan. Otherwise, you maybe taking the recommended serving size and getting nothing but seaweed. Check the Supplement Fact label and look for fucoidan standardized from Organic wakame harvested from the Atlantic.
Although there is no hard or set rules for comparing cost per standardized amount, there are certain guidelines to help you make your purchase.
- The suggested use of 2 to 6 grams daily is inline with the consumption habits of Centenarians (those who live to and over 100 years old) in Japan who eat fucoidan containing seafoods and the latest research on fucoidan toxicity at high amounts.
- Avoid low price fucoidans from China. Some tested for glucose and NOT fucose. This means there is little to no fucoidan present! Unless you can test best not to guess.
- Avoid seaweeds harvested from the Pacific near China and Japan. Because seaweeds are commonly harvested in shallow waters near coastal communities, and known to be harvested near where the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster occurred, do your health a favor and look for seaweed sourced elsewhere.
- Don’t be cheated. If it doesn’t say standardized on the label it might not contain any fucoidan.
- Get the most from your money. Make sure the manufacturer uses cold water extraction to protect the fucoidan molecule so it will be effective. Favor companies that use bioenhancers.
Fucoidan Force Gives You Bioactive Fucoidan Without the Sodium
My Top Pick Fucoidan Force Gives Your More Standardized Fucoidan
One reason I chose Fucoidan Force as my top pick is that it gives you a substantial amount of standardized fucoidan. Fucoidan Force has 180 mg of fucoidan standardized from 400 mg of Undaria pinnatifida (wakame). The suggested use is 4 pills daily (for a total of 720 mg of bioactive fucoidan). Because Fucoidan Force uses Undaria pinnatifida (wakame) to extract their fucoidan, you can be assured that you to get the results you want without getting high amounts of iodine and sodium present in other seaweeds such as kelp.
Know How Much Fucoidan Are You Actually Getting?
Buy only products with standardized fucoidan written on the supplements label to ensure you are getting a product with the effective levels of bioactive fucoidan compounds. Otherwise you maybe getting alot of crude product but no fucoidan!
Comparison Chart of Fucoidan Brands:
Check for standardized fucoidan on the ingredients label
Make sure fucoidan is sourced from radiation free waters
Buy only fucoidan sourced from Organic Wakame
Buy cold water extracted fucoidan with balanced purity
Know which processes damage the fucoidan molecule
Buy fucoidan with efficacy boosters
Avoid cheap “standardized” fucoidan from China
Fucoidan Facts
While the class of molecules called “fucoidans” have broad bioactive similarities, there are important differences. I cut through the hype to present the facts about popular fucoidan supplements.
Intelligent Reviews
It’s time consuming to learn the facts but I did it. My reviews are based on the science behind fucoidan’s amazing health benefits. After researching, Fucoidan Force is the #1 pick.
Source Warnings
Know where your fucoidan is sourced. The Fukushima plant continues to release radioactive waste into nearby harbors. Avoid Japanese wakame harvested in nearby waters.
Fucoidan Force
Fucoidan Force is the #1 brand backed by science. But, don’t take my word for it. Research all of fucoidan’s immune modulating effects through PubMed and find out why.
MEF Rating
Quick Breakdown
Fucoidan Force™
Fucoidan Force™ is leaps beyond the competition in both quality and sustainability. One capsule contains 400 mg of standardized Organic Super U-100 fucoidan from Undaria pinnatifida (wakame) extract, plus a generous 250 mg of Reishi mushroom extract. Fucoidan Force’s 100% Organic wakame is wild-harvested from the radiation-free waters of the Atlantic using a patented cold water extraction technique that protects the structural integrity and effectiveness of the fucoidan molecules.
Life Extension Fucoidan
This brand contains 88.5 mg of wild harvested wakame but no efficacy boosters. Their product is possibly over-standardized, which damages the fragile fucoidan molecules, making them less effective.
Umi No Shizuku
Umi No Shizuku does not want you to know that their fucoidan is potentially contaminated with radiation from Fukishima. If you are concerned, like I am, about the lingering contamination from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster on seaweeds in Japan, read my full review. Their fucoidan is sold at ridiculously high prices ($300). which I find interesting since there is literally NO standardization information to assure you of how much actual fucoidan content you are getting. Is there actually any fucoidan in Umi No Shizuku?
KAL Fucoidan
This brand contains 750 mg of super salty kombu. Their brown marine algae is harvested from waters off the coast of Spain but I can’t find much more information than that.
This brand contains 500 mg per dose of Kelp (Laminaria). Kelp has relatively high levels of iodine which some people which preexisting health conditions should be weary of. I have found conflicting information about their source, including troubles over the original formula. Plus, I can’t find any information on standardization. Do your research.
Swanson’s Green Food Fucoidan
This brand contains 500 mg of Laminaria japonica (Kelp) and Cystoseira canariensis. It seems as if their seaweed comes from Japan and could potentially be contaminated. Cystoseira c. is not a studied source of fucoidan. Beware of cheap fucoidan supplements. True standardized fucoidan is expensive.
Doctors Best Fucoidan
This brand has 300 mg of fucoidan from bladderwack harvested off the coast of China, in the city of Weihai. Independent testing shows that low cost fucoidan from China may not contain L-fucose, which indicates the presence of fucoidan.
This brand recommends a daily dose of two capsules totaling 1200 mg of Kelp (Laminaria japonica) and is dangerously high in iodine. There is no standardized fucoidan. The company claims that the kelp is not cooked, boiled, or chemically processed but U-Fn it is produced by Modifilan, so who really knows. Their track record for consistency is poor.
Vitamin Research Products
This brand contains a puzzling mix of 300 mcg of iodine, 75 mg fucoidan from Fucus vesiculosus, N-Acetyl Glucosamine from crab,Larch Arabinogalactans and more Kelp. No standardized fucoidan. Some ingredients are actually contraindicated for multiple preexisting conditions. Buyer Beware!
Ocean’s Bounty
Aside from their over-the-top presentation and bad reviews, I can’t tell you how much fucoidan is in one serving or any other ingredients for that matter. There are no Supplement Facts. Just avoid.
Brolico is not a fucoidan product and it contains no fucoidan. It’s a brand that uses scavenger-like marketing. They make bold declarations about its health benefits but it literally has 300 mg of broccoli extract powder. If you are looking for the health benefits of fucoidan, move on. Read their published study being use to legitimize their claims. The test group was chosen by employees and the test protocol was authored by the company.
The following footnotes apply to all pages of this site:
(1) Therapies from Fucoidan: An Update Mar Drugs. 2015 Sep; 13(9): 5920–5946. Published online 2015 Sep 16. doi: 10.3390/md13095920 Accessed 8.3.2016.
(2) The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 8131-8141 Fucoidans from brown seaweeds: an update on structures, extraction techniques and use of enzymes as tools for structural elucidation. Marcel Tutor Ale and Anne S. Meyer.
(3) Cumashi A., Ushakova N.A., Preobrazhenskaya M.E., D’Incecco A., Piccoli A., Totani L., Tinari N., Morozevich G.E., Berman A.E., Bilan M.I., et al. A comparative study of the anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, antiangiogenic, and antiadhesive activities of nine different fucoidans from brown seaweeds. Glycobiology. 2007;17:541–552. doi: 10.1093/glycob/cwm014.
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(5) Seaweed in Health and Disease Prevention, edited by Joël Fleurence, Ira Levine Pg. 255.
(6) Therapies from Fucoidan; Multifunctional Marine Polymers Mar Drugs. 2011; 9(10): 1731–1760. Published online 2011 Sep 30. doi: 10.3390/md9101731.
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(10) Focus on antivirally active sulfated polysaccharides: From structure–activity analysis to clinical evaluation, Oxford Journals, Glycobiology Volume 19 Issue 1 pp.2-1; accessed 8.2.2016.
(11) Anti-metastasis effect of fucoidan from Undaria pinnatifida sporophylls in mouse hepatocarcinoma Hca-F cells. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 27;9(8):e106071. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0106071. eCollection 2014.
(12) Anti-metastasis effect of fucoidan from Undaria pinnatifida sporophylls in mouse hepatocarcinoma Hca-F cells. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 27;9(8):106071. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0106071. eCollection 2014; Accessed 8.2.2016.
(13) Anti-Metastasis Effect of Fucoidan from Undaria pinnatifida Sporophylls in Mouse Hepatocarcinoma Hca-F Cells PLoS One. 2014; 9(8): e106071. Published online 2014 Aug 27. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0106071; Accessed 8.3.2016
(14) Cumashi A, Ushakova NA, Preobrazhenskaya ME, Incecco AD, Piccoli A, et al. (2007) A comparative study of the anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, antiangiogenic, and antiadhesive activities of nine different fucoidans from brown seaweeds. Glycobiology 17: 541–552.
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(18) Radioactive cesium accumulation in seaweeds by the Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant accident—two years’ monitoring at Iwaki and its vicinity J Plant Res. 2014; 127(1): 23–42. Published online 2013 Dec 6. doi: 10.1007/s10265-013-0603-1.
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